© 2024 J CAREER English





先進的・モデル的取組を行っている企業として、東京都主催の「第一回 TOKYOテレワークアワード」にて「推進賞」に選出頂きました。その受賞から1年経った現在でも、在宅勤務を継続しながら、さらなる業務効率化や生産性の向上を目指しております。


そのような中、3月以降、新たに3人のメンバーを迎えたj Careerですが、創立記念日である4月8日に、従業員一同で集まる機会を設けました。



株式会社j Career
[:en]On April 8, 2022, we celebrated the 8th anniversary of our company’s founding. Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far.

8 years ago, our company was founded on the principle of supporting foreign clients in their job search. Today, we continue to strive daily to assist our clients, regardless of nationality, in helping them find their careers and live out their dreams.

Over time, our company has changed, and we’ve had to diversify the way that we work.

When COVID-19 first struck Japan in March of 2020, we were among the first companies to shift to a full work-from-home model. As one of the pioneers of the shift to work from home, our company was selected to receive the Progress Award from the Tokyo government’s inaugural Telework Awards.

In addition, we’ve fashioned a work culture based around promoting work life balance. Among our members, there are employees who have shortened work hours and those who work four days a week. We pride ourselves on working together to ensure everyone can have a schedule that fits their lifestyle.

Since March of this year, we have welcomed three new members into our company, and on our 8th anniversary we had the opportunity to meet together in person (of course, we made sure to follow proper COVID-19 protocols).

It was our first time gathering together in two years, and we were able to grow stronger as a group and reaffirm our company’s mission.

We hope to continue to grow as a company and provide the best level of service to all of our clients. We thank you for 8 great years, and hope for your continued support in the future.

「We will never forget our gratitude」

J career Co. Ltd.

April 8, 2022[:]