© 2024 J CAREER English

「第一回 TOKYOテレワークアワード」推進賞の認定状と盾を頂きました

[:ja]先日、「第一回 TOKYOテレワークアワード」にて推進賞を受賞致しました件で、東京都様より記念品として、認定状と盾を贈呈いただきました。改めて受賞の実感と、テレワークをはじめとした働き方改革への意識を再認識した次第です。


[:en]This week we received a certificate and plaque as a commemorative gift from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for winning the ‘Promotion’ category at the first TOKYO Telework Awards. When our staff are able to return to the office, we hope this will act as a physical reminder of what we achieved together during this period, and will motivate everyone to challenge new workplace reforms in the future, too.

At this time, we are continuing to implement full telework for our staff.

We would like to express our gratitude to our business partners, job seekers, and everyone for their understanding and cooperation. We would not have been able to achieve this without you.

We hope you and your family are able to stay safe during these challenging times, and hope that the day will come soon when everyone can live in peace once again.[:]