© 2024 J CAREER English

j Careerは創立7周年を迎えました 2021.04.08






株式会社 j Career
2021年4月8日 [:en]

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate our 7th year with you today.

Due to the effects of the new coronavirus, many people working in Japan, as well as those looking to come to Japan to study and work have been put in difficult situations. It is precisely at this time that we strive to serve as a bridge between job seekers and companies.
One of our founding principles is to help as many people as possible live happy and fulfilling lives here in Japan, we feel that this principal is now more important than ever.

We would also like to express our gratitude to all those who work with us and make what we do possible, without you we would not have made it this far.

We will never forget our gratitude.

j Career